Despite our hard rule on , the company recently gave great insight on how, exactly, it filmed the Bugatti Chiron breaking records at 249 mph.
The answer, of course, requires a second Bugatti Chiron that is also going 249 mph.
The Bugatti Chiron is fast. It’s really fast, if you want specifics—so fast Bugatti puts a speed…
Filmmaker goes into detail about how they filmed the record stunt, where a Bugatti Chiron accelerated up to 249 mph and then braked back to 0 mph in a record time of 42 seconds back in 2017:
The viral video ended up involving a team of British and German filmmakers, a helicopter for filming, a full maintenance schedule for the cars, all at VW and Bugatti’s private Ehra-Lessien test track in Germany, one of the only places in the world cars like the Chiron can (relatively) safely test their true top speeds.
I also think it’s cool that such a big operation ended up using what’s essentially a drone camera mounted to the back of the camera Chiron for such an important shot. I don’t exactly love that they added camera shake, but hey, that’s Hollywood. Or Ehra-Lessien, I guess.
Here’s just the shot of the record run: