Hyundai India launched its entry-level SUV, the Exter, in the country on 10 July, 2023. The micro SUV was launched at an introductory price of Rs. 6 lakh (ex-showroom) and can be had in seven trims across petrol and CNG options. Despite being an entry-level SUV and its small proportions, the Exter comes packed with several features, some of them being segment-first. Here are the top five interior highlights from the brand’s latest offering.
The Exter adopts the same dashboard as that of the Grand i10 Nios but the only difference is the interior theme. The cabin of the micro-SUV comes wrapped in an all-black theme with a splash of colour based on the exterior paint shade. Exactly in the centre of the dashboard is an eight-inch infotainment screen with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay that support 12 languages along with seven ambient sounds of nature.
The Hyundai Exter is the first in the segment to get a dashcam with dual cameras. This dashcam gets a 2.31-inch full HD display that can also be connected to a smartphone. Apart from this, it also features three different modes of recording videos. This includes a normal recording, an event or incident recording, and a timelapse video.
Hyundai has equipped the Exter with a voice-enabled electric sunroof to make it stand apart from its rivals, including the Punch SUV and the Maruti Suzuki Fronx. The sunroof can be opened and closed using voice commands in 12 regional and global languages.
Right in front of the driver’s seat is a new 4.2-inch coloured TFT display like the one offered in the Venue and the Verna. Apart from this, the instrument cluster along with the infotainment screen is customisable with 10 regional and two global languages.
The list of the first-in-segment features for the Exter is too long, the wireless charger being one of them. This charger is positioned below the aircon control and right in front of the gear level.