Mahindra has launched the Bolero with an upgraded powertrain to meet the new emission norms. The engine is now BS6 Phase 2 and RDE norms compliant. It is available in three variants and colour options. Additionally, the carmaker’s other models too, like Bolero Neo and XUV300, received this engine upgrade. With the revision in powertrain, Mahindra has also hiked the prices of the Bolero SUV.
Mahindra Boleroengine specification
The rugged SUV is powered by a 1.5-litre mHawk75 diesel engine that produces 75bhp and 210Nm of torque while being mated to a five-speed manual transmission unit. This powertrain is now updated with BS6 Phase 2 and the new RDE norms which are said to come into effect from 1 April, 2023.
New prices of Mahindra Bolero
The Bolero SUV is offered in three variants, including B4, B6, and B6 (O). Starting with the B4 variant, the price has now been hiked by Rs 24,601, leading to an asking price of Rs 9.78 lakh. Then, the B6 variant is priced at Rs 9.99 lakh. And the top-spec B6 (O) variant cost Rs 10.79 lakh, after a price hike of Rs 30,600 (all prices, ex-showroom).
Listed below are the variant-wise updated ex-showroom prices of Bolero:
Bolero B4 – Rs 9.78 lakh
Bolero B6 – Rs 9.99 lakh
Bolero B6 (O) – Rs 10.79 lakh