Since its introduction in 2020, Mahindra Thar has dominated the budget lifestyle off-roader segment in India, owing largely to indolent competition from the likes of Force Gurkha. This changed when Maruti Suzuki, an Indian automaker, unveiled the five-door Jimny at the Auto Expo 2023 last month.
Since the expo concluded, Mahindra has been actively pursuing to keep the maximum market share in its court. The SUV manufacturer recently launched the RWD version of the Thar at a very competitive price, and it is also developing a five-door version of the off-roader SUV.
Many sightings have been made of the five-door version of Thar and now, in recent spy pictures, the SUV looks closer to being production ready. As seen in the pictures, the five-door Thar looks like a stretched-out version of the regular three-door Thar already on sale in the Indian market.
In previous spy pictures, the interior of the five-door Thar was leaked, where the cabin looked familiar to the standard model of the SUV with the black-themed interior, circular AC vents, a height-adjustable driver seat, and an identical infotainment unit. However, the model in question was an automatic version and the low-range gearbox was missing. Thus, hinting at an RWD version of the five-door Thar as well, just like the standard model.
Mechanically, five-door Mahindra Thar will likely come equipped with the same set of engine and transmission options as on the existing sub-four metre Thar.
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