Earlier this week, Tata Motors launched the most affordable electric vehicle, the Tiago EV in the country at a starting price of Rs 8.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Now, with two battery options to choose from, the electric hatchback is being offered in four variants and five exterior shades. The bookings will open on 10 October and if you are planning on buying the new Tiago EV and want to know what each of the variants has to offer, we give you the complete details.
Tata TiagoXE
The XE base variant is offered only with the medium range 19.2kWh battery pack and is priced at Rs 8.49 lakh (ex-showroom)
Body-coloured bumpersBlue accents and EV badgesFabric seat upholsteryLight grey and black interior themeAutomatic climate controlElectric power steeringTilt adjustment for steeringDigital instrument clusterTyre pressure monitoring systemABS with EBDReverse parking sensors45 connected car features
Tata Tiago XT
The XT variant of the Tata Tiago EV can be had with 19.2kWh or 24kWh battery packs and is available for Rs 9.09 lakh and Rs 9.99 lakh, respectively. Here’s what is gets over the base XE variant.
Body-coloured door handlesORVMs with turn indicatorsPower windowsFlip keyElectrically-adjustable and auto-folding ORVMsSeven-inch Harman touchscreen infotainment system with four speakersSteering-mounted controlsFollow-me-home headlampsSmartwatch connectivity
Tata Tiago XZ+
The XZ+ variant of the Tiago EV can only be had with the 24kWh battery pack and has a price tag of Rs 10.79 lakh with a 3.3kW charger and Rs 11.29 lakh with 7.2kW AC fast charger. Here’s a list of add-on features:
Chrome strip on door handlesLED DRLs and projector headlampsFog lamps with blue bezelsKnitted headlinerRear wiper with washerCruise controlRain-sensing wipersAuto headlampsCooled gloveboxHeight-adjustable driver seatOne-shot driver side power windowParcel trayFour tweetersReverse parking camera
Tata Tiago XZ+ Tech Lux
The prices for the top-spec variant are Rs 11.29 lakh (3.3kW charger) and Rs 11.79 lakh (7.2kW AC fast charger).
Black roofLeather-wrapped flat-bottom steering wheelLeatherette upholsteryPush start/stop buttonElectric tailgate release