Yesterday's got our highest Nice Price Or Crack Pipe approval rating yet, with a landslide 78% of voters going with Nice Price. Today we're going to ask a question we haven't asked here since : how much extra does fame add to a car's value?
We all love the Hurst Olds 442, of course, but 96% of us thought that a million bucks was just too…
a regular one is worth around $16,000, but Mr. Obama is definitely a non-lightweight famous person; in fact, the points out that a waffle half-eaten by Obama sold for $20,000, and the owner of a Barack-played pool table is shooting for a half million dollars. We'd feel a lot better about the price if the seller had some photographs of Obama actually driving it, and an authentic Barack Burnout video would make this a slam-dunk Nice Price. As it stands, though: $100,000 for this?
, thanks to Bill for the tip.
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